During this first coaching session you’ll learn:
We then have a real “coaching conversation” consisting of a series of exercises and questions leading you towards defining 1-3 inspiring goals that are important to you. This conversation will give you a sense of the type of engagement you can expect to have with your coach going forward.
At the end of your trial session you will have 1-3 written goals plus at least one identified next step for each one.
You then decide if you would like to engage a coach to increase your chances of achieving those goals, or if you would like to prefer to pursue these goals on your own.
No, the trial session is free.
You are not obligated to work with Practical Results Coaching after the trial session has ended.
You are committing to meeting with your coach once a week for 12 weeks. (The Trial Session is considered Week 1). The meetings will be held at a mutually agreed upon location so we can talk face-to-face. Or if you prefer, the coaching conversation can be done over the phone. The meetings are 60-90 minutes in length and can be scheduled from 5pm – 9pm EST any weekday. (Weekend sessions are also available on a limited basis.) Weekly meetings are the most effective, but sessions may be scheduled every 2 weeks if that’s the only frequency your schedule will permit.
The focus of the meeting is on you and what you are thinking about. As you pursue your goals, you will start to gain insight into what truly matters to you. At each coaching session, the coach will engage you with questions to encourage those “ah-ha” moments. Suddenly where there was once hesitation and uncertainty will now be clarity and clear direction.
In practical terms, the conversation at each session will revolve around the goals that you are working on. We review any action items or tasks that you set for yourself during the previous session. We talk about what progress you have made, any challenges or roadblocks that might have come up, and strategies for moving forward in spite of those roadblocks. We then determine new action items for the upcoming week.
A good coach can help you with ANY goals you may have. Although based on their experience and training, some coaches do have specialties or areas where they are particularly strong. Practical Results Coaching is strongest in helping people reach their Career and Professional Goals.
However, we work with the whole person when discussing priorities, commitments, and roadblocks.
Clients of Practical Results Coaching often work with us on:
If there is something you have always wanted to do, but you don’t have a plan in place to make it happen, it’s time to talk to a coach.
Sign up for a Trial Session today. Email trialsession@practicalresultscoaching.com to get started now.
It’s free. And it may be just the thing you need to started.